
Showing posts from June, 2019

A World Of Reality With Shadows Of Superstition.

We live in a fast paced society. People are so engrossed with their own day to day affairs and have their heads buried deep inside their mobile devices. Nobody is bothered about anything else besides themselves. When you take a step back into the ‘susegad’ villages of Goa, it's the complete opposite. Everyone wants to know, what is cooking in your kitchen. Surely many of us have experienced this scenario in the rural parts of India, joint families or traditional oriented families. When you come of age, their very first question to you is, “when are you getting married?". Once you are married, the question that follows, “When do we get the good news?". Well I myself couldn't escape both these questions.  Now that I was married and going to have our first baby, all eyes were on us. My holiday ended with our little bun in the oven. Although the pregnancy was confirmed with the aid of a home test kit, we were still skeptical. We scheduled an appointment for our first